Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day #75 - Tangled

Kind of getting off the reservation tonight. No great ideas of what to shoot so I grabbed my camera and started snapping whatever I saw through the eyepiece. I settled on this tangled mess of cords and cables. This is on my desk at home but those who know me can attest that this could just as likely have been my desk at work. In the mess of wires there is an old cell phone, a PSP USB cable, a couple of cell phone ear buds, some cell phone chargers and just some random books and magazines. TO make the image interesting I Photo Shopped the heck out of it.

Shot spex: RAW Image, Pentax K10D, ISO 800, 200mm, f6.3, 1/15 sec., flash.

PhotoShop spex: Smart Sharpened (as always), adjusted Levels and Brightness/Contrast. Desaturated the image, then applied the Neon Glow filter and then the Watercolor Filter.

Tunes listened to while editing: Remedy Drive - Daylight Is Coming. The first 7 tracks. Great band I recently discovered.

1 comment:

  1. At first glance I thought this was some kind of twisted metal. Cool idea. I think the shot works.
