Thursday, July 30, 2009

Day #62 - The North London Mill

I am exhausted! We have been in the midst of a move at work and I am so tired of packing and moving boxes. It's almost as bad as moving to a new house. Anyway, as a result of all this moving I've either been working pretty late, or I am super tired when I get home and haven't felt like pulling the camera out of the bag. Tonight I plan to make this my last night of editing a Colorado trip image for a while and plan to start shooting again tomorrow.

In the meantime, here is the North London Mill. It was an impressive structure in its day and still a decent amount of it stands. Cameron loved it and wanted to stay there for quite a while. Several smaller cabins still remain around it as well.

Shot spex: RAW Image, Pentax K10D, ISO 100, 18mm, f4.5, 1/125 sec., no flash, circular polarizer filter used.

PhotoShop spex: Smart Sharpened (as always), adjusted Levels and adjusted Brightness/Contrast.

Tunes listened to while editing: Nothing tonight. Was too tired to get up and get my iPod.

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