Friday, June 5, 2009

Day #7 - Walking The Dog

Ever since we acquired our new dog Chewey, we've been walking more. Well, today on our morning walk I remembered to grab the camera and managed to catch this shot. I had to lie on the ground to get this perspective (fun position to get into - and out of). I then had my nephew Joshua walk toward me slowly while I fired off about a dozen shots. In PhotoShop I employed some trickery (multiple layers, desaturated one layer, blurring one layer a tad, etc.). I like the final result and it was fun and good exercise at the same time!

Shot spex: Pentax K10D, ISO 800, 27mm, f3.5, 1/2000 sec., no flash.
PhotoShop spex: Smart Sharpened, added a 2nd layer, desaturated 2nd layer and blurred it slightly, erased the part of the 2nd layer I wanted to get rid of allowing the colored layer to come through, flattened the image into one layer and adjusted contrast a tad bit.

1 comment:

  1. Ron -- This image is awesome. The focus, selective color and DOF really just set this up to tell the story about this great, and I can only imagine energetic, little dog and the (even if it isn't his dog the story conveys) boy he loves.

    You must have been thrilled when this unprocessed version of this image popped up on the back of your camera :)
